Men Without Work: Post-Pandemic Edition (2022) (Second Edition, Second)


Subject: Sociology

Author: Eberstadt, Nicholas

Publisher: Templeton Press

Date Published: 09-2022

ISBN: 1599475979 | EAN: 9781599475974

BasicBinding: Paperback

Features: Price on Product | Pages: 252

Annotation: Nicholas Eberstadt's landmark 2016 study, Men without Work, cast a spotlight on the collapse of work for men in modern America. Rosy reports of low unemployment rates and "full or near full employment" conditions, he contends, were overlooking a quiet, continuing crisis: Depression-era work rates for American men of "prime working age" (twenty-five to fifty-four).

Nicholas Eberstadt's landmark 2016 study, Men without Work, cast a spotlight on the collapse of work for men in modern America. Rosy reports of low unemployment rates and "full or near full employment" conditions, he contends, were overlooking a quiet, continuing crisis: Depression-era work rates for American men of "prime working age" (twenty-five to fifty-four).

Subject: Sociology
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