Merck Manual of Health & Aging: The Comprehensive Guide to the Changes and Challenges of Aging-For Older Adults and Those Who Care for and about Them


Subject: Consumer Health

Author: Merck & Co Inc

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Date Published: 11-2005

ISBN: 0345482743 | EAN: 9780345482747

BasicBinding: Paperback

Features: Illustrated, Index, Price on Product, Table of Contents | Pages: 992

Annotation: This comprehensive guide to the changes and challenges of aging--for older adults and those who care for and about them--details both the normal psychological changes of aging, and provides in-depth information on health care needs.

This comprehensive guide to the changes and challenges of aging--for older adults and those who care for and about them--details both the normal psychological changes of aging, and provides in-depth information on health care needs.

Subject: Consumer Health
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