Best Weekly Planner for Fans of Japan


Subject: Self-Help

Author: @journals Notebooks

Publisher: @Journals Notebooks

Date Published: 02-2017

ISBN: 1683057120 | EAN: 9781683057123

BasicBinding: Paperback

Pages: 106

Annotation: This Japan-inspired weekly planner is a must-have if you want to feel the Japanese spirit. Writing on this weekly planner will help motivate you to actually work on achieving your goals. It's different when you're just thinking of your goals as opposed to actually seeing them in paper. A written documentation is a stronger reminder and mo

This Japan-inspired weekly planner is a must-have if you want to feel the Japanese spirit. Writing on this weekly planner will help motivate you to actually work on achieving your goals. It's different when you're just thinking of your goals as opposed to actually seeing them in paper. A written documentation is a stronger reminder and mo

Subject: Self-Help
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