Grammar of Ornament: A Visual Reference of Form and Colour in Architecture and the Decorative Arts - The Complete and Unabridged Full-Color


Subject: Architecture

Author: Jones, Owen

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Date Published: 07-2016

ISBN: 0691172064 | EAN: 9780691172064

BasicBinding: Hardcover

Features: Unabridged, Price on Product | Pages: 496


"Wonderful. This reissue of Owen Jones's Grammar of Ornament, unabridged and in full color, will be welcomed by scholars as well as architects and desginers."--Alina Payne, author of From Ornament to Object: Genealogies of Architectural Modernism

"Like the Crystal Palace, for which Jones himself designed the interior color scheme, this book is a riotous cornicopia of hue and form, a heroic attempt to come to grips with the entire world of things. The Grammar of Ornament is an object of beauty in its own right"--Tim Barringer, author of Reading the Pre-Raphaelites

"Wonderful. This reissue of Owen Jones's Grammar of Ornament, unabridged and in full color, will be welcomed by scholars as well as architects and desginers."--Alina Payne, author of From Ornament to Object: Genealogies of Architectural Modernism

"Like the Crystal Palace, for which Jones himself designed the interior color scheme, this book is a riotous cornicopia of hue and form, a heroic attempt to come to grips with the entire world of things. The Grammar of Ornament is an object of beauty in its own right"--Tim Barringer, author of Reading the Pre-Raphaelites

Subject: Architecture
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