Get access to a Huge Inventory of Educational materials Covering an extensive catalog of subjects delivered within 2-3 business days!
Your Books Your Way is one of the most trusted experienced automated Educational Servicing Company in North America.
Trusted by thousands of satisfied users, Your Books Your Way has one of the most diverse
selection of
,audiobooks, movies, music, video games, gifts and software in the world.
They can't be wrong
Materials Available At Time of Purchase
New music added daily
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Patron Satisfaction
You can trust Your Books Your Way to get the right books and course materials on your shelves on time, so you can concentrate on your most important priority—your patrons.
Your Books Your Way offers public and K-12 libraries access to a huge inventory of books and course materials covering an extensive catalog of subjects, all delivered at top speeds.
Public Libraries
Huge selection of print and audiobook titles ,Video games and movies. Order management and collection development services and programs. Knowledgeable customer support and marketing assistance. Shelf-ready, cataloging and processing options that meet your requirements.

K-12 Libraries
The library is a key component of a school’s success as it supports the curriculum, the teachers, and, most importantly, the students. Being an information specialist, an instructional partner, and a program administrator leaves the school librarian little time to curate content that corresponds to the constantly evolving landscape of education. Your Books Your Way helps relieve that pressure with educational content acquisition services tailored to your needs so you can better serve your school.
International Libraries
The staff of Your Books Your Way International division is composed of very able and very dedicated people, experienced in serving overseas libraries, understanding their special needs, and solving problems for their clients who are thousands of miles away.